No matter our political affiliations we shall not stop praying for our country ~ Kenneth Bii
Courtesy photo: Kenneth Bii Facebook
Herod arrested James, one of the 12, the brother of John and killed him. The church was stunned and horrified. They were caught off guard.
Then, because the devil is a manner less repeat performer (as long as the door is open and watchmen are asleep), Herod arrested Peter. He had every intention of killing him too because politically, he saw that it made the Jews happy. This time though, the church prayed! They seriously petitioned God UNTIL the day Peter walked out of prison.
Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was fervently praying ...
Kenya has had violent and fatal post election chaos before that stunned the nation. As a result Kenyans have walked in serious, deep FEAR & DREAD concerning the election and post election period, because of how it destroys lives, businesses, infrastructure and the economy.
After repeat performances though, prudence made the church wake up and begin to pray. People, out of the lime light, have been praying for this election daily for almost 3 years. Believers have seriously prayed, above party politics, above tribe, above defending the wrongs and injustices of one's preferred side, above partisan prophesies and regional biases, prayed for the well being of Kenya and all Kenyans. If it prospers, we all prosper.
The battle is spiritual. Tribes, politics and parties are important and necessary, but in the spirit world, they are simply distractions that the enemy uses to divide and weaken us. You cannot be a sycophant of one side and pray without bias. You must rise above your affiliations and preferences to engage matters without prejudice, in prayer.
Do that saints. Rise above the noise and divisions and keep praying until this matter is concluded. Until a new and duly elected president is sworn in justly . Keep pleading the blood over Kenya and declaring peace. Keep speaking light that exposes darkness and brings confusion to whatever the enemy is doing. It's not over till its over. Let us not relent, Satan always attempts a new plot twist.
Pray too for those whose side loses. It's a real grieving process. Pray for magnanimity and all inclusive development by the new government.
Sincerely thank God also for the other advancements made in law, in the constitution and in the growth and maturity of Kenyans that have made all the difference and helped protect the electioneering process and Kenyans at large.
Keep praying!
Kenneth Bii
The writer of this article is a Technocrate Politician and digital media content creator.
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